Florin and Claudia | romanianministries
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Florin and Claudia

Florin and Claudia are teachers and evangelical Christians living in the west of Romania. Their joy was complete when the Lord blessed them with a little girl, *Beatris, nine years ago.


Beatris’ slow development was soon a concern. A number of misdiagnoses occurred before the rare PKU disease was identified. This causes an inability on the part of the body to absorb protein correctly, creating a build-up of toxins that adversely affects the brain. The result is a severe form of autism in the children.


Beatris’ arrival was followed three years later by *Ioana. PKU is not often shared by siblings, but on this occasion, after what seemed a more promising start, Ioana soon displayed identical symptoms to her sister. Her parents very naturally were distraught. 


A visit to the family in 2014 soon explained why. The girls had manic, utterly unpredictable behaviour and distorted facial expressions. They had accumulated no vocabulary, and seemed oblivious as to the identity of their relations, treating their parents as strangers.


Other members of Florin’s church had withdrawn from the family, perhaps unsettled by such behaviour. The girls were no longer welcome at church meetings, meaning that Claudia normally stayed at home. Life for them seemed unbearably oppressive, eventually leading Florin to the place where he felt he could take no more.


And in the Lord’s goodness, this was where gracious words of Scripture intervened and the healing of hearts began.


Florin found himself led again and again to the book of Job, and able to share his insights on Christian suffering with his church. A friend from the church made a specific point of visiting the family, in the end recommending them to Romanian Ministries.  


In October 2014, Adrian and Cornel visited the home and were left wordless. Tears became the silent messengers of our love, something these people needed far more than money. 


Financial assistance, however, was required. PKU symptoms are helped by a specialised diet and regular therapy sessions. Romanian Ministries has been pleased to make a contribution towards these in the last few years.


Hydrotherapy sessions in a swimming pool have also helped, and it has been most encouraging to see the girls respond. Their relationship with their parents has grown closer, one syllable words are now being used and their behaviour seems much tamer than before.


What an ordeal for our much-loved Florin and Claudia, what an ordeal! But in keeping with His promise, the Lord gives grace. Romanian Ministries is delighted to be a part of this in their lives.

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